Total Town Makeover
Take a journey to places that are very much alive!
Small town America stands at a crossroads. For the first time since its settlement, the number of deaths in rural America now outpaces births. Vast regions of the nation are literally dying. Or are they?

Andrew will take you on a journey to places that are very much alive! They are small towns, cities and rural areas that have performed a “makeover.” These are places that are succeeding by creating robust economies, vibrant communities and focusing on how to build a strong next generation of residents.
What are the factors they have in common? What steps can you and your community take right now to create a makeover? The Total Town Makeover will provide you with the steps and the motivation to make it happen!
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Mary Hostetter was a single mom looking for ways to support her household while working from home. What resulted was a business that’s earned worldwide acclaim and made tiny Kimmswick, MO a destination.
Calico Rock, AR was down to its last business on Main Street. Watch what happened when a small group of citizens made it their mission to bring life back to this small town.